Home > Artworks > Juan González Uribe

Photo of Juan González Uribe Colombia

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Uribe Gonzalez was born on April 13, 1968 in Medelln, Colombia. In 2001 she traveled to Barcelona, Spain where he decided to settle with the intention of developing their artistic activity. His work set in urban settings and characters, shows his sensitivity to issues such as social EXCLUSION racism. RECENT SOLO EXHIBITIONS MS General Consulate of Colombia in Barcelona (Spain), August 2006. - Biblioteca Nou Barris,...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2022, “A través del Prisma” Consulado General de Colombia en Londres – Londres (Reino Unido) 15 de julio al 15 de septiembre de 2022.
  • 2019, “Explosión de Color” – Museo de Arte de Jericó MAJA, Jericó (Colombia) 05 de octubre al 25 de noviembre de 2019.
  • 2018, “Click” Sin título Galería – Bogotá 20 sept al 20 octubre de 2018.
  • 2013, Casa de la Cultura “La Barquereña”, Sabaneta (Colombia
  • 2013, London, solo exhibition outdoors Series”, Londres (Inglaterra)
  • 2013, Viarte - Medellín (Colombia)
  • 2013, \"Jaque al Arte” – Casa de la Cultura de Sabaneta “La Barquereña”, Sabaneta (Colombia)
  • 2011, “The Art Corner” – Brick Lane Market, Londres (Inglaterra)
  • 2011, “We art Camden” – The Abby Tavern, Londres (Inglaterra)
  • 2009, “Abstracte–urbá” – Galería Paspartú Barcelona (España)
  • 2007, “Foire D´Art Contemporain Latinoamerican Etnia IV” – Bruselas (Bélgica)
  • 2007, “Hipermerc´Art” – Sala Vinçon, Barcelona (España)
  • 2006, “Lo Sacro y lo Profano” – Foment de les Arts i el Disenny FAD, Barcelona (España)
  • 2006, “Feriarte” – Convent de Sant Agustí, Barcelona (España)

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See everything we offer you!
47.24 x 59.06 in
45.67 x 35.04 in
47.24 x 59.06 in
35.04 x 45.67 in
36.22 x 28.74 in
47.24 x 59.06 in
47.24 x 59.06 in
40.16 x 44.49 in
40.16 x 44.49 in

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Uribe Gonzalez was born on April 13, 1968 in Medelln, Colombia. In 2001 she traveled to Barcelona, Spain where he decided to settle with the intention of developing their artistic activity. His work set in urban settings and characters, shows his sensitivity to issues such as social EXCLUSION racism. RECENT SOLO EXHIBITIONS MS General Consulate of Colombia in Barcelona (Spain), August 2006. - Biblioteca Nou Barris, Barcelona (Spain), June 2006 COLLECTIVE - HipermercArt Vinon Room, Barcelona (Spain), November 23, 2006 to January 5, 2007 - The Sacred and the Profane Foment de les Arts i the Disenny (FAD), Barcelona (Spain), September 2006. - Feriarte Convent de Sant Agust, Barcelona (Spain), May 2006. INTERNET - Marginal Artists Salon Magazine Semana, Bogota (Colombia) September / October 2006 - Collective Exhibition Gallery Artists 2006 Latin Artexpresion - www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk - www.artelista.com RELEASE - December 2006 Consulate General of Colombia in Barcelona seccin release - November 24, 2006 Connection Colombia seccin Characters . - September 29, 2006 Semana seccin culture Bogot, Colombia - June 6, 2006 Peridico El Colombiano seccin Arts and Culture, 11th page Medelln, Colombia - May 19, 2006 Peridico seccin's Latino Latinos, page 17 Barcelona, Spain < > Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez Uribe Uribe _________________________ Was Born in Medellin, Colombia in 1968. I relocated in 20001 Barcelona, Spain in order to study weitere WHERE I tried Various art schools, to Himself Before painting for a living. His work, set up in urban characters on scene, reveal a great sensitivity Subjects Such As with social segregation or racism. Recent Exhibitions INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS August, 2006 Colombian Consulate in Barcelona, Spain - April, 2006 IX FITANZA Multicultural Fair globalization and market integration show. Palau Sant Jordi, Barcelona, Spain - June 2006 Library Nou Barris, Barcelona, Spanin COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS - November 23, 2006 to January 5, 2007. Chamber HipermercArt Vinon, Barcelona (Spain) - September, 2006 "The Sacred and Profane" Foment de les Arts i the Disenny (FAD), Barcelona (Spain) - May, 2006. Feriarte (art fair) St. AgustConvent, Barcelona (Spain), ONLINE EXHIBITIIONS - www.artelista.com - www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk PRESS Bulletins - December, 2006 Colombian Consulate in Barcelona Spain, website - November 24, 2006 Colombia seccin People Connection section. - September 29, 2006 Cultural Week Magazine section - Bogota, Colombia - June 6, 2006 El Colombiano Newspaper Art and Culture Section, Medellin, Colombia - May 19, 2006 Latino newspaper, Latin Profiles, Page 17 Barcelona, Spain There is no more glorious moment for an artist as the one in Which someone stops to observe historical Wanting to touch it work . Juan Gonzalez Uribe

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